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Greg Nesteroff
Dec 4, 20223 min read
Sandon token fetches $610 at auction
The cachet associated with the ghost town of Sandon probably drove up the auction price of a trade token from the Hotel Reco.
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Greg Nesteroff
Nov 21, 20221 min read
The thing under the Trail bridge
A stone and mortar structure sits beneath Trail’s Victoria Street bridge. What the heck is it?
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Greg Nesteroff
Nov 13, 20224 min read
Then & Now: The Kinnaird Hall
The first heritage building identified in Kinnaird, the community hall was built in 1944 and saved from demolition by the Carpenters Union.
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Greg Nesteroff
Nov 6, 20226 min read
Seth Martin’s mask
Exactly when did legendary Trail Smoke Eaters goaltender start wearing a mask? And was it before or after Jacques Plante did the same thing?
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Greg Nesteroff
Oct 30, 20223 min read
The phantom miner of Crawford Bay
A ghost story from a local mine, presented for the first time in 121 years.
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Greg Nesteroff
Oct 25, 20222 min read
Trail’s Elma Hotel
Where was the Elma Hotel in Trail? And who was Elma?
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Greg Nesteroff
Oct 9, 20224 min read
Pickles the driving dog and other oddities
A few curious things: a dog behind the wheel, a basketball team named the Comincos, and Yale University helps tear down buildings in Trail.
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Greg Nesteroff
Sep 26, 20224 min read
The Sheep Creek boulder
One day in Sheep Creek, a giant boulder came crashing down the mountainside, flattening the front end of a car and hitting a house.
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Greg Nesteroff
Aug 2, 20227 min read
The night the Newmarket Hotel burned
When fire destroyed the Newmarket Hotel in October 1973, New Denver lost its greatest heritage building, constructed 80 years earlier.
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Greg Nesteroff
Jul 25, 20224 min read
A mystery monogram and an ancient arboreal autograph
In 1891, a man blazed his name onto a cedar tree. In 1899, someone scratched their initials on a rock face. Both remain to make us wonder.
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Greg Nesteroff
Jun 27, 20223 min read
East Trail vs. Trail East
Here’s something that’s not confusing at all: the area across the Columbia River from Trail used to be split into East Trail and Trail East.
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Greg Nesteroff
May 24, 20227 min read
Kokanees, Red Wings, Maple Leafs, and MRKs
From 1927 to 1934, Nelson’s senior men’s hockey team changed names four times. Why? Finding out is proving more challenging than I expected.
679 views6 comments

Judy Pollard and David Stevenson
Apr 17, 20226 min read
Seeking a different way of life
Seventy years ago this month, a group of American Quakers arrived in the Kootenays, looking for a new home.
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Greg Nesteroff
Mar 31, 20225 min read
Little-known Nelson heritage buildings: The Nelson House annex
The last remaining portion of an early Nelson hotel is still standing in the middle of downtown.
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Greg Nesteroff
Feb 20, 20229 min read
Fun with the 2021 census
It’s fascinating to see what changes the 2021 census captured compared to 2016, particularly in the West Kootenay/Boundary.
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Greg Nesteroff
Feb 6, 20226 min read
Leonard Cheshire’s vet colony
Britain’s most celebrated bomber pilot planned to start a veterans commune at New Denver in 1947.
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Greg Nesteroff
Jan 28, 20226 min read
Nelson’s smallest commercial block
In 1922, J.E. Annable built a store on Baker Street that was only six feet wide. What was in it and what happened to it?
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Greg Nesteroff
Dec 12, 20217 min read
Fire alarm box No. 25
Fire alarm boxes were part of Nelson’s urban landscape from 1903-80, but they were frequently mistaken for mailboxes.
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Greg Nesteroff
Dec 1, 20214 min read
Mysteries of the Chamber of Mines
When was the Chamber of Mines building in Nelson built? And what's up with the date on the tile in the sidewalk?
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Greg Nesteroff
Oct 28, 20214 min read
Lost buildings: The Defeo home
You would never guess that there was once a good-size home and extensive gardens at 75 Government Road in Nelson.
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