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Greg Nesteroff
Dec 18, 202424 min read
The evolution of Trail hockey uniforms
The Trail Smoke Eaters’ famous logo has seen far more changes in the last 90 years than you think. So have their sweaters.
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Greg Nesteroff
Nov 8, 202410 min read
Lost buildings: Revisiting Trail’s Rio Theatre
Another look at East Trail’s short-lived moviehouse, its proprietor, and the disasters it faced.
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Greg Nesteroff
Jul 21, 20242 min read
Crown Point Hotel envelope nets $625
A rare Christmas seal inflated the price of an envelope from a Trail hotel.
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Greg Nesteroff
May 22, 20243 min read
Then & Now: The Kootenay Hotel and the Gulch billboard
Can a billboard be considered a heritage site? There’s been one at the same location in Trail for over 80 years.
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Greg Nesteroff
Dec 18, 202311 min read
Evel Knievel’s Kootenay connection
Before Evel Knievel was a motorcycle stuntman, he was Bob Knievel, hockey player.
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Greg Nesteroff
Nov 27, 20232 min read
4 streets in Trail named Nelson
Nelson has but one street named after itself, Nelson Avenue. But Trail has had four different streets and avenues named Nelson.
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Greg Nesteroff
Sep 1, 202310 min read
What West Kootenay owes to Montana
Trail and Butte share certain nomenclature. The same guy built both of their smelters. And they have other ties too.
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Greg Nesteroff
Jun 24, 20234 min read
The Chad Mitchell Trio in Trail
The Chad Mitchell Trio, who counted Trail native Mike Kobluk as a member, performed in Trail on Feb. 19, 1962.
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Greg Nesteroff
Mar 19, 20237 min read
Corner stores: Joffe’s Confectionery
A large building across from Butler Park in Trail is a little-known legacy of the city’s Jewish community.
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Greg Nesteroff
Jan 8, 20233 min read
Then & Now: 1200 block of Bay Avenue in Trail
Another in a series of negatives I bought a few years ago showing Trail in 1953 or so.
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Greg Nesteroff
Nov 21, 20221 min read
The thing under the Trail bridge
A stone and mortar structure sits beneath Trail’s Victoria Street bridge. What the heck is it?
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Greg Nesteroff
Nov 6, 20226 min read
Seth Martin’s mask
Exactly when did legendary Trail Smoke Eaters goaltender start wearing a mask? And was it before or after Jacques Plante did the same thing?
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Greg Nesteroff
Oct 25, 20222 min read
Trail’s Elma Hotel
Where was the Elma Hotel in Trail? And who was Elma?
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Greg Nesteroff
Oct 9, 20224 min read
Pickles the driving dog and other oddities
A few curious things: a dog behind the wheel, a basketball team named the Comincos, and Yale University helps tear down buildings in Trail.
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Greg Nesteroff
Jun 27, 20223 min read
East Trail vs. Trail East
Here’s something that’s not confusing at all: the area across the Columbia River from Trail used to be split into East Trail and Trail East.
1,202 views2 comments

Greg Nesteroff
Jul 29, 20215 min read
Back alley brick buildings
A walk down some Trail and Nelson alleys reveals surprises in brick.
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Greg Nesteroff
Apr 15, 20219 min read
Then & Now: A sunny day in Trail, 1957
Three spectacular slides give us a glimpse of downtown Trail buildings and businesses more than 60 years ago.
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Greg Nesteroff
Jan 20, 20218 min read
Trail’s hidden homes
Homes at 801 Victoria St., 1498 Cedar Ave., and 1560 Bay Ave. were covered up by commercial storefronts, but continue to peek out overtop.
3,934 views2 comments

Greg Nesteroff
Dec 1, 20203 min read
Pete Seeger in Trail
Folk singer Pete Seeger said he once performed a concert in Trail. But when?
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Greg Nesteroff
Nov 9, 202015 min read
8 lesser-known Trail hotels
While Trail has had several famous hotels, here is a list of some others that didn't receive nearly the same attention.
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